Development Dialogue

Development Dialogue is a language of contemporary discourses on human development which aims to stimulate each entity of the society for a new history of humanity. It stands for communicating the problems that people face and hence is more value-based than other units of human life. Envisioned with better quality of human life it admires the imagination of ordinary citizens, their daily concerns and necessities and circulate these elements in policy articulation.

8:31 PM

The Youth Are The Future

My last article centered on the importance of the constitution and the process of its construction, touching on the significance of the importance of youth involvement in these ventures. This article shall further discuss the significance and importance of youth involvement in social development as well as the process of communal development and the importance of representivity and collaboration.

The development of community is a dynamic process which should involve all members of the locality, including the often-overlooked youth population. The key component to this process is the creation and maintenance of channels of interaction and communication amongst the diverse local groups. By facilitating interaction and developing relationships, these diverse individuals interact and begin to mutually understand common needs. When relationships, consistent interaction, and channels of communication can be established and maintained, increases in local adaptive capacities materialize and community can emerge. It is important that the youth are not excluded from this dynamic process. Community exists in the collective actions of its members. These collective actions allow residents of all ages and backgrounds to participate in the creation, articulation, and implementation of efforts to support local change. While much of the attention given to building local capacities is often focused toward adults, youth are an increasingly visible and active component in community development efforts. Such involvement contributes to both the development of community and the social and psychological development of the youth involved. 

The future lies within the youth, through active engagement, youth can take on ownership and become lifelong contributors to local well-being. Young people have to realize that they have a right to express their views concerning community events. As youth are brought into community organizations and civic roles that they have traditionally been excluded from, they can participate in local decision-making at multiple levels. This collaboration leads to skill enhancement, confidence building, and ownership that prepare them as they navigate toward adulthood and into positions of leadership within their communities.  


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