Development Dialogue

Development Dialogue is a language of contemporary discourses on human development which aims to stimulate each entity of the society for a new history of humanity. It stands for communicating the problems that people face and hence is more value-based than other units of human life. Envisioned with better quality of human life it admires the imagination of ordinary citizens, their daily concerns and necessities and circulate these elements in policy articulation.

5:56 PM

Democracy” is one of those words widely used - and misused- in political jargon. carelessly thrown here and there in speeches and constantly mistaken for “popular support” or “rule of majority”. Politicians use it, party leaders use it, dictators and one-party regimes use it, but very few understand the concept itself; even fewer know of the torturous history that shaped that concept. 
The simplest definition of democracy is as follows: a form or system of government where the people participate directly, or indirectly, in public decision making. It is governance by all eligible members of society through direct participation or through elected representatives.
Essentially, there are two forms of democracy: direct democracy and representative democracy. Direct democracy is when democracy is exercised through citizens’ direct involvement, most notable in unitary democracies and on the local level , for example town hall meetings and city councils. While representative democracy is when eligible citizens nominate and elect a delegate to represent them on the national level, as in federal democracies. For example, in the US each of the 50 states elects one official to represent it in the Senate. Similarly, the Constituent Assembly’s vision of a new Nepal was based on the same model of federalism.
As Nepal makes the transition from a constitutional monarchy to a federal democracy, it is crucial that Nepalese citizens are fully aware not only of the electoral process, but also of the benefits and responsibilities of democracy. 
Democracies thrive in openness - tolerance, freedom of belief and thought, equality before the law and due process and freedom of assembly. These are all essential components of a successful democratic state. Granted, not all of these aspects are available at every self proclaimed democratic state, but they are key components to an ideal democracy. Nepal’s pluralism, in theory, should permit peaceful coexistence, dialogue, a dialectic of conflict and conflict resolution that would lead to a consensus of what the “common good”. Negotiation of different interests, accepting different beliefs and permitting different lifestyles may be the stepping stone to Nepal’s nation/ state building process. Diversity and conflict of interests form the basis of political equilibrium and power and political influence will be distributed based on the results of that bargaining. In effect, making the democratic process and transfer of power a very fluid and dynamic process. 


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